岁月如梭,冬日已至,在这个收获与庆祝的季节里,感谢您与我们一起“遇见未知,探索未来”!12月9日,爱莎社区年度校园庆典——“爱莎日” 款款落幕,全新科技主题“遇见未知,探索未来”向我们展示了科技与未来的无限可能性。来自爱莎社区的全体学生和家人、老师,以及各国领馆、商会、知名企业等社会各界人士,再次欢聚爱莎科学城学校,将科技秀、盛大演出、公益义卖、快闪舞台等多种形式融汇其中,为来宾们奉献了一场精彩纷呈的舞台盛宴。
Thank you for joining us on Saturday December 9th, 2023, in ISA Science City for the annual ISA Festival. As we enjoy this mild winter, we reflect on how quickly time seems to have passed, and how rapidly the seasons have changed. This year the theme of the ISA festival was ‘New Horizons’. We used this opportunity to showcase the infinite possibilities of technology and the infinite opportunities that lie ahead in the future. Students and their families, teachers, guests from consulates, business chambers, enterprises and other industries gathered to enjoy a spectacular carnival atmosphere featuring demonstrations of technology, stage performances, charitable activities, and ‘flash mob’ dances.