12月20日,中国前驻英大使刘晓明先生伉俪莅临广州荔湾爱莎学校。作为【爱莎 · 大师说】系列主题演讲的首位嘉宾,刘晓明大使为学生们带来了一场名为《讲好中国故事》的主题讲座。这也是大使首次为大学学历以下的听众进行演讲。爱莎的学生着实幸运。
On December 20th, Mr. Liu Xiaoming, former Chinese Ambassador to the UK, and his wife visited ISA Liwan. As the first guest of ISA Liwan “Master’s Talk” series, Mr. Liu gave a lecture titled "Tell China's Story Well" to the students. This was also the first time that Mr. Liu gave a lecture to an audience with less than a university degree. The students of ISA Liwan were truly fortunate.