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Sports 体育类


  • The 13th Student National Fencing Championships – Team Champion of Women‘s Foil Fencing Junior Group, Second Place in Women’s Foil Fencing Junior Group
  • The 2023 Guangdong International School Junior Golf Invitational Tournament-Second Station – First Place in Men’s Group A, First Place in Men’s Group B, First and Second Place in Women’s Group C, Team Champion
  • The first ICU Cheerleading World Cup Competition – Michelle Huang, a Grade 10 student from ISASC, was part of the Chinese team that won the Youth Coed Median Championship
  • 第十三届中国中学生击剑锦标赛 – 初中组女子花剑团体冠军、初中组女子花剑个人亚军
  • 2023年广东省国际学校青少年高尔夫邀请赛第二站 – 男子A组冠军、男子B组冠军、女子C组冠军和亚军、团体冠军
  • 第一届ICU啦啦操世界杯大赛 – 广州科学城爱莎外籍人员子女学校十年级的学生Michelle Huang所在的中国代表队,夺得少年组冠军