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伦艺夏校回顾 | 伦艺绚烂画卷,完美收笔


历时11天的异国艺术探求中,导师带领同学们感受了伦敦的点点滴滴。同学们走街串巷游遍伦敦 ,在中央圣马丁校区体验原汁原味的英伦教学,欣赏英版《歌剧魅影》,与名校招生官和专业教授面对面交流.....

Over the course of 11 days during the recent Summer Holiday, students embarked on an artistic exploration of London. Guided by their instructors, they explored the streets and alleys, learning about British history and architecture. Students experienced authentic British teaching at Central Saint Martins Arts College, admiring the British version of ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, and engaging in face-to-face conversations with admissions officers and professors from prestigious universities.