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国际儿童节回顾 | 环游七大洲


6月1日,爱莎天河国际儿童节庆典欢乐落幕。本次活动围绕着“环游七大洲”开展了系列主题活动。通过体验趣味游戏、兑换礼品、才艺表演系列活动,孩子们度过了一个欢乐且富有意义的儿童节,加深了他们对地理分布的认知。同时,本次主题与小学毕业成果展 “Sharing the Planet 共享地球”相呼应,让爱莎社区成员对生态环境有更多的了解,更好地保护它。

ISA Tianhe held International Children’s Day successfully on June 1st. The theme of the event was The Seven Continents. The children had a great time on that day, experiencing booth games, receiving gifts and performing. The event was full of fun and knowledge. Children learned a lot of geographic knowledge through the booth game and performance. The Seven Continents echoed the PYP exhibition "Sharing the Planet", which called on all members of the ISA Tianhe community to protect the environment.