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知识理论展回顾 | 开启知识之窗,探索大千世界


本周一,在学校举办了一年一度的“知识理论展”上,毕业班 (12年级)的学生为全体校园社区成员展览并分享了他们的研究成果。此次展览,作为TOK(知识理论课程)的两项评估之一,主要关注学生如何获取、验证知识,并与他人分享交流。学生在筹备展览的过程中,需要预先探讨一个既定概念(prompt),并进一步研究该概念在现实世界中的表现形式,最终呈现成果——这对于学生、教师、家长以及各学生的同组伙伴而言,都是一次深入研究知识概念的宝贵机会。

G12 Students recently participated in their Theory of Knowledge Exhibition, where they had an opportunity to share their work with the ISASC community. The Exhibition is one of two assessments in the TOK course, which focuses on the ways in which we acquire, verify, and communicate knowledge. Students are tasked with curating the exhibition which explores a predetermined prompt and the ways in which the prompt manifests itself in the real world. It was a remarkable opportunity for students and teachers, family, and peers to engage in long form discussion of knowledge issues.