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Mathematics 数学


  • 2024 SIMOC – 14 medals including 2 Individual gold medals, 1 individual silver medal, 3 individual bronze medals, 1 team gold medal, 3 team silver medals, 2 team bronze metals
  • British Mathematical Olympiad (BMO) – 2 global merits, 1 grade’s best honor award, 2 students successfully advanced to the second round of the competition
  • 2023 AMC10-12 – 4 global excellence award, 4 students qualified for AIME
  • 2023 UKMT-SMC – 18 global gold awards, 11 global silver awards, 12 global bronze award, 2 grade’s best honor award
  • 2023 UKMT-CMO/HMO/MMO – 2 global honor awards
  • 2023 UKMT-IMC – 15 global gold awards, 3 global silver awards, 1 global bronze award, 1 school’s best honor award, 1 grade’s best honor award
  • 2023 (Waterloo) Euclid Mathematics Competition – Certificate of Distinction
  • 2022 American Mathematics Competition (AMC) – 1 global excellence award, 2 global excellence awards, 6 students qualified for AIME
  • 2022 BMO – 1 global honor award, 1 global excellence award, 1 student advanced to BMO Round 2
  • 2022 Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) – 1 national first prize, 7 national second prizes, 9 national third prizes, 9 mathematics skills awards
  • 2022 UKMT-SMC – 13 global gold awards, 4 global silver awards, 3 global bronze awards
  • 2022 UKMT-IMC – 5 global gold awards, 2 global bronze awards
  • 2021 Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) – 1 national excellence award, 5 national second prizes, 2 national third prizes, 3 mathematics skills awards
  • 2024 SIMOC新加坡国际数学奥林匹克挑战赛 – 2枚个人金奖、1枚个人银奖、3枚个人铜奖、1枚团队金奖、3枚团队银奖、2枚团队铜奖等共计14枚奖牌
  • 2023英国数学测评(高级进阶) – 2枚全球荣誉奖及1枚年级最佳奖,2名同学成功晋级第二轮比赛
  • 2023英国数学测评·高级(AMC10-12) – 4枚全球优秀奖、4位同学获得AIME晋级资格
  • 2023英国数学测评·高级(UKMT-SMC) – 18枚全球金奖、11枚全球银奖、12枚全球铜奖、2枚年级最佳荣誉奖
  • 2023英国数学测评·中级进阶(UKMT-CMO/HMO/MMO) – 2枚全球荣誉奖
  • 2023英国数学测评·中级(UKMT-IMC) – 15枚全球金奖、3枚全球银奖、1枚全球铜奖、1枚学校最佳荣誉奖、1枚年级最佳荣誉奖
  • 2023年(滑铁卢)欧几里得数学竞赛 – 优秀奖(Certificate of Distinction)
  • 2022美国数学竞赛(AMC) – 1枚全球卓越奖、2枚全球优秀奖、6位同学获得AIME晋级资格
  • 2022英国数学奥林匹克竞赛(BMO) – 1枚全球荣誉奖、1枚全球优秀奖、1位同学晋级BMO Round 2
  • 2022澳大利亚数学测评(AMC) – 1枚全国一等奖,7枚全国二等奖、9枚全国三等奖、9枚数学技能奖
  • 2022年英国高级数学测评UKMT-SMC – 13枚全球金奖,4枚全球银奖,3枚全球铜奖
  • 2022英国中级数学思维挑战活动(UKMT-IMC) – 5枚全球金奖、2枚全球铜奖
  • 2021年AMC澳大利亚数学竞赛 – 1枚全国卓越奖、5枚全国二等奖、2枚全国三等奖、3枚数学技能奖